Easy to run
Operate your own studio, using the Nuforma within a framework of operation and delivery that allows you to have your own profitable studio with no prior qualification.

Cost effective delivery
The operating model provides a cost effective way to deliver modern Reformer Pilates to customers at any level at any time. The flexibility enables use if a open access gym model as well as structured classes and PT options.

Cutting edge technology
Delivers on demand and live stream classes, anti glare monitor with directional speaker makes the Nuforma super easy to use. The range of classes gives the user a wide variety of personal choice to suit their condition or even how they feel on any given day.
Training and Support
Giving you the consistency required in the service model, we provide you with instructor training along with additional training opportunities. This coupled with standard operational tools, studio fit out, systems and procedures to enable you to deliver a successful business

Nuforma Training
We offer full Nuforma training up to master teacher.
Fully flexible depending on your team requirements. Our team is mobile so you have the choice of starting in our existing studios or full training in-house.
Franchising questions
Why is now a good time to open a Nuforma Pilates studios?
Demand for reformer Pilates has never been higher and it is growing fast. The need for an easy to use, accessible and modern format makes Nuforma Pilates an attractive customer proposition.
What makes Nuforma Pilates different to a traditional reformer studio?
- Accessible for all levels at any time
- Customers can access classes on demand in a gym format
- No need for specific group classes
- The requirement of highly trained instructors is removed
- Constantly evolving variety of classes
- The Nuforma provides additional exercises to a traditional reformer
- Use of weights broadens the use and range of motion
What is the investment return on a franchise?
The expected ROI is high but is specific to each franchise based on the location and projected cost of operation. Budgeting and profitability advice is provided by the team.
Who is responsible for servicing and maintaining the Nuformas?
A warranty is provided but ongoing servicing is recommended and provided by an independent trained provider.
How many instructors do I need to open a Nuforma Pilates studio?
Dependent on the opening times, and the model you have. However it is recommended that you have 1 instructor available during opening hours.
Can I have input on the programs for my members?
Feedback from franchisee’s and the members help to shape the future of the content provided.
Is there help in the Design and Set up
A design and fit out service is provided along with materials, customer flow and advice on costings.